Friday, July 27, 2012

A Happy Day

Freebie Fridays

It's hard to believe but today is my 25th wedding anniversary. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by and how different my life has been. I immigrated to Florida, went back to school, had 2 beautiful daughters and am more in love than I was 25 years ago. I still get a thrill when I unexpectedly see my husband.
Anyway, on to my freebie. I decided to reprint my calendar pieces and updated some of them. I've completed August, September, and October. Hope you can use it.
August Calendar September Calendar October Calendar
Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Moving On Up

I have received a third award, a Lovely Blog Award. Thank you to both Cindy from Kindergarten Loves Me and Ms. Pasqua from Ms Pasqua Kinders.
Now for the rules...
1. Follow the person who gave me the award. I already follow Cindy and I'm now following Ms. Pasqua.
2. Link back to the person that gave me the award. I'm getting good at this. Kindergarten Loves Me and Ms. Pasqua Kinders
3. Pass to 15 new bloggers and then let them know they have received the award. Hopefully I can find 15 who have not received this award. I'm starting to hunt.
1. Krissy Kindergarten
2. A Teacher's Touch
3. Work Smart Not Hard Kindergarten blog
4. Kindergarten Days
5. Creating and Teaching
6. Lisa's Kinderland
7. Mrs. Gilchrist's Class
8. Kinder-Cuties
9. Kindergarten Hoppenings
10.Under the Alphabet Tree
11.A Place Called Kindergarten
12.Welcome to Room 36
13.Mrs. Ayala's Kinder Fun
14.Kindergarten Lifestyle
15. Carried Away in Kindergarten
I'll be back on Friday with a freebie.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

I was very excited last week when I received 2 awards in the same day for the Liebster award. I am just as equally excited today when I got 2 awards yesterday for the Versatile Blogger Award.
It made my day especially when I had to bring my two nieces back to the airport for their trip home to Ireland. They have been visiting me and my family for seven weeks and I was very sad to see them go.
Hopefully I can remember all that I learned Sunday night. I remembered how to create paragraphs.
Thank you so much to Scrappy Teaching in Fl and Ofishally Learning for the award
Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. DONE
2. Include a link to their site. DONE
3. Include the award image in your post. DONE
4. Give 7 random facts about yourself. DONE
5. Nominate 5-10 other bloggers, include their link, and let them know. DONE
7 Random Facts about me:
1. I'm originally from Ireland.
2. I'm addicted to reading - my Kindle makes it worst.
3. I'm working on getting a black belt in Jeet Kun Do. I'm one belt away.
4. I have been married to the most wonderful husband for 25 years on Friday.
5. I'm a frustrated organizer. I keep trying but never seem to get there.
6. I have 2 maltese dogs, a father and a son. The mom and sister live down the road.
7. I hate chick flicks and love action movies.
Now on to my nominations:
1. Whooo Loves Kindergarten
2. Joy of Life
3. Wild About Teaching
4. Laugh Live Love Learn
5. Grade School Giggles
Now I'm going to try and figure out how to add a signature.

Monday, July 23, 2012

2 Awards and a freebie

I was very excited when I checked my blog Sunday morning and saw that Nicole at Lanier's Lion had given me the Liebster award. Then imagine how excited I was when I checked my blog Sunday evening and found out that Bobbie from The Daily Cupcake had also nominated me for the Liebster award.
I don't know if it's correct blog protocol but I'm going to accept both awards in the same blog.
I've have two of my Irish nieces visiting for the last 7 weeks and they are getting ready to go back on Tuesday. We're heading to Orlando Monday morning for a last hurrah.
Anyway, on to my awards, (did I mention that I was excited about them).
The rules:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. Post the award to your blog.
3. Give the award to at least 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.
Thank you to both Lanier's Lions and The Daily Cupcake for my award.
Lanier's Kindergarten Lions

The Daily Cupcake
Here are the blogs that I have nominated for the Liebster Award
1. laughlivelovelearn
2. ofishallylearning
3. kindergartenlovesme
4. kindergartenkidlets
5. kinderkidsfun
Just so you know, it has taken about 4 hours so far to complete the above. I learned how to add a picture to my blog, how to make paragraphs and how to add a link. I'm exhausted.
Now for the freebie (good thing I made it before)
These are center icons that I have made for my classroom - I made large icons and small icons for the pocketchart.
Center Icons Small Center Icons
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Hope you enjoy

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Newbie Blog Hop

I just linked up with Grade Three is the Place for Me for a blog hop for newbie bloggers. 1. what state you are in 2. your current teaching position 3. your teaching experience 4. when you started blogging 5. share a blogging tip / blogging resource 1. I live in sunny South Florida. 2. I currently teach kindergarten. 3. I'm going into my 17th year of teaching. I've taught kindergarten for 6 years, 1st for 9 years and 3rd for 1 year. My heart is in kindergarten and hope to stay there for the rest of my life. 4. I started blogging back in February. 5. I don't have a blogging tip. I can't even figure out how to get the image from Grade 3 on my blog. My favorite blogging resource is Kindergarten Hoppenings. Sharon

Friday, July 20, 2012

Back to school book

Freebie Fridays

Hi everybody, this is the last of my back to school books. I did this one so that the kids could practice color words. I am working on the pocket chart version and should have it finished this weekend so check on back. Crayon Box What Do You See I'm working on center icons and should have them finished by Monday. Have a great Friday. Sharon

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What day is it?

How many of you have the same problem that I do while on vacation. I can't remember what day it is. I went to an appointment today and found out that no it's not Friday, it's only Wednesday and I need to come back on the right day. Anyway, still have not accomplished anything on my to-do list - hopefully will start next week when my visitors leave. I've had visitors since April but we're having lots of fun together so that's not too bad. I did find time today to finish my school house pocket chart that goes with the book I posted earlier. Hopefully by Friday I will have my crayon version finished and posted. If you find any mistakes, please let me know. I proof read it several times but my mind is still on Friday. School Bus School Bus, What Do You Seepocketchar If you download, please leave a comment. Thanks Sharon

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Request

I had a request for the books that I posted without the dots. I changed one of them but I don't know if I can get to change the other one. I am working on one more and it has dots but if I make any more I'll post them before I add the dots. School Bus, School Bus What Do You See2 I also had a question about how I make the dots. I use a dot on the flowchart shapes and place them as close as I can to the middle of the word. It takes a few minutes to do it but I really feel that the children benefit from it at the beginning of the year and I use it for my low children throughout the year. I have a crayon book that I'm almost finished and I'm working on the pocket charts to go with both of them. Check back during the week. Sharon

Monday, July 16, 2012

Off to the Beach

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
We're off to the beach and then shopping but I wanted to post a freebie for you all. I will post the pocket chart version of it soon. School Bus, School Bus What Do You See Enjoy Sharon

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Summer is Flying By!

I'm beginning to go into full panic mode. I have 4 more weeks of summer and haven't checked off anything on my summer to do list. I have my nieces visiting for one more week and then it's time to get ready to go back to school. And I'm exhausted. I feel like I haven't had a good night's sleep all summer. I had great plans in June of all the activities and projects I was going to complete but not one of them is finished. Anyway, I created a pocket chart story to go along with the Scarecrow, Scarecrow story I posted last week. I'm also working on 2 more what can you see stories - one using school supplies and one using different colored crayons. I'm hoping to have those ready by next week. Scarecrow, Scarecrow, What Do You Seepocketchar Have a great day. Sharon

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Follow the Road to Freebies

I copied this title from Kreative in Kinder who's hosting a blog hopping party with wonderful freebies. So I decided to join and post a scarecrow book that I made. I'm in the process of making the pocket chart to go with it. I hope you can use it.
Follow for Freebies
Scarecrow, Scarecrow, What Do You See Now hopefully I can link up. Sharon

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh Boy, More Homework

I can't believe how quickly summer is flying by. I'm excited to get back into the classroom but my summer to do list is not shrinking so I'm beginning to panic about that. I have visitors from Ireland until the end of July and I having too much fun with them. Anyway, on to the serious stuff,my team usually starts homework after the first couple weeks of school and I'm sure that many of you can relate but I have a hard time getting it back consistently. Since I expect parents to help with homework, I don't consider it the child's responsibility and don't penalize children for not returning their homework. Last night, at 3 a.m., when my 8lb malteese dog decided he needed to sleep on my side of the bed and pushed me out, homework popped into my mind. I want to acknowledge the children who return their homework but wasn't quite sure what to do. Then, ta-da, this morning my daughter handed me a reward card from an ice-cream shop that they punch everytime you buy an ice-cream and when it was full you get a free ice-cream. So that got my creative juices flowing and I came up with a homework achievement punch card. I put 10 punches on it and if they fill the card during the quarter, I will think of some reward for them. (I'm thinking lunch with the teacher since I never do that). Homework Achievement Awards I'm probably going to make a dog themed card as well since my theme is dogs but am not allowed post them because of copyright restrictions. My first main theme is friends (can't figure out who thought that would be a good unit) but am working on some activities for that. If you download, please leave a comment. Have a good Sunday Sharon